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PSA Governance -  Policy required

It should not be a fear of regulatory powers and prosecution for wrong-doing that drives better governance in the movement, rather accountability to members. To that end the Rank and File team identifies the following issues as crucial for the PSA’s operation over the next term:


  1. A ban on the employment of Central Councillors within the Union. If taking temporary employment, a Central Councillor must appoint an alternate for the term of that appointment. If they take permanent employment with the PSA, the Central Councillor must resign from the role. It is inappropriate for employees to also be in a decision-making and governance capacity

  2. Initiate an application under section 239 of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW) to streamline the current election procedure

  3. Enforcing strict compliance with the PSA Rules, particularly in regard to the General Secretary abiding by resolutions of Council or the Executive

  4. Return Annual Conference to the status it deserves pursuant to the PSA Rules, particularly with regard to its constitution and attendance

  5. Undertake a review of the PSA Rules and identify areas where they are repetitive, nonsensical or irrelevant 

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